Saturday, August 30, 2008


TODAY i dam happy siah.

Finally play maple for 1month and few day,
my acc finally lv70:D

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hey Guys:D

Today is the most disappointed day
as i join 3/10 class to eggy factory:D
But something happened, we cant go in and see those thing.
Only can see video which make me very disappointed.
Well, there is nothing to said anymore:D

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Today went to school,
Started our Hospitality course.
Had our breadfast before tooking bus to Park Royal hotel.
Its was a five-star hotel:D
Went in the hotel, walked around.
And their manager started bringing us to see those thing for hotel.
After that, we went to their room and ate their foods:D
Its was nice:D
We went back to school.
And started playing the drink
Which we using the shake and make change of the drink:D

Monday, August 25, 2008

Hey guys:D

Today is 3/9 and 3/10 special day,
Because we was doing hospitality course.
And we did not need to start session:D
As what i had learnt, we need to make the skill up first
Before going to next stage.
As today session, we did some serving
And ate some of their restaurant food.
That's all for today.
Takecares guys:D
I got to go=)

Sunday, August 24, 2008

This few day keep on raining.
I don't know what happen to it.
I wish to play one day basketball without wet floor.
But keep on rain:P
Anyway, today woke up at 11am,
Went to ate breadfast:D
And went back to sleep until 4pm.
Started using com:D
About 6pm, went to 515 ate dinner:D
That's all guys:D

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Before going to play basketball,
my family order KFC eat.
Ate already, leave house and went.
During playing basketball, the rain become more and more strong.
Suddenly, i found a soccer ball and started play with friends.
Then kelly,rebecca,jiahao and my brother come find us.
Played 1 full match and i went home
As they went vista and ate dinner.
That's all:D

Friday, August 22, 2008


today is the most happy day of my life.
My science exam finally pass.
Anyway all my subject result still not bad uh.
Jiayous for me and You all:D
Here is my exam result:


Thursday, August 21, 2008

hellos guys,
1st thing is finally my laptop is backk.
2nd is i came back to singapore already.
3rd is sorry to her.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

hey guys,

I am backk:D
sorry for not posting so many day
as i was busy playing maple.
hahas, lets not talk about this anymore.
Tml gonna take laptop go repair
as from tml until sunday should not be online.
takecares guys:D

突然发现站了好久 不知道要往哪走
还不想回家的我 再多人陪只会更寂寞
许多话题关于我 就连我也有听过
我的快乐要被认可 委屈却没有人诉说
夜半信仰丛白剥落 拿掉防卫剩下什么
为什么脆弱时候 想你更多
如果你也听说 有没有想过我
想普通交朋友 还是你依然会心疼我
好多好多的话想对你说 悬着一颗心没着落
要怎么附和 舍不得 又无可奈何
如果你也听说 会不会相信我
对流言会附和 还是你知道我还是我
跌跌撞撞才明白了许多 冷漠的人就你一个
想到你想起我 胸口依然温柔
许多话题关于我 就连我也有听过
我想我宁可都沉默 其实反而显得做作
夜半信仰丛白剥落 拿掉防卫剩下什么
为什么脆弱时候 想你更多
如果你也听说 有没有想过我
想普通交朋友 还是你依然会心疼我
好多好多的话想对你说 悬着一颗心没着落
要怎么附和 舍不得 要无可奈何
如果你也听说 会不会相信我
对流言会附和 还是你知道我还是我
跌跌撞撞才明白了许多 冷漠的人就你一个
想到你想起我 胸口依然温柔
如果你也听说 有没有想过我
想普通交朋友 还是你依然会心疼我
跌跌撞撞才明白了许多 冷漠的人就你一个
想到你想起我 胸口依然温柔
如果你想起我 你会想到什么

Monday, August 4, 2008

Last friday photo.
hey guys,
I am backkk,
Sorry for not posting this week
as i was busy.
Now busying chiong maple.