Today,go sch and came back home bath then meet elgene go causeway and meet meng also together watch movie-.-! watch finish chimeng go home and left me and gene,but then luckly got weixiang and wilson pei us and we go eat dinner together and came back home around 6.30 heart dam stressed and sad-.-. In *heart i am the 3rd place=.=! haiss. i go le. byes
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Yo guys i am back ~ Anyway,Sorry for never post this few day:) Let mi start on today bah!
Today,go sch and came back home bath then meet elgene go causeway and meet meng also together watch movie-.-! watch finish chimeng go home and left me and gene,but then luckly got weixiang and wilson pei us and we go eat dinner together and came back home around 6.30 heart dam stressed and sad-.-. In *heart i am the 3rd place=.=! haiss. i go le. byes
Today,go sch and came back home bath then meet elgene go causeway and meet meng also together watch movie-.-! watch finish chimeng go home and left me and gene,but then luckly got weixiang and wilson pei us and we go eat dinner together and came back home around 6.30 heart dam stressed and sad-.-. In *heart i am the 3rd place=.=! haiss. i go le. byes